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Are Commercial Restaurant Faucets Right For Your Business?

Essential advice for choosing commercial restaurant faucets for your business is not to look for the particular brand or finish, but rather for the functionality. Famous restaurant owner’s secret to restaurant business is getting the most of their restaurant kitchen space. There are commercial kitchen faucets with sprayer and with hose, wall mounted commercial kitchen faucets and faucet with pull down sprayer on sale. To get the first hand information search for the commercial restaurant faucets reviews on Facebook and blogs and try to talk to the café or restaurant owners in person. The key benefit of wall mounted commercial restaurant faucets is that they are the most convenient faucets around and add class and beauty to your kitchen. No one tells you that installing an additional wall mounted pre-rinse faucet is a good choice if you want a restaurant faucet that will be out of the way when you are not using it. These faucets are available in basic materials and shapes. They are an ideal choice if you have minimal kitchen space and are easy to clean. One of the factors that affect commercial restaurant faucets is the installation mistakes. Things you need to know for proper installation of a commercial restaurant faucet: there are deck mounted and wall mounted commercial restaurant faucets depending on the existing plumbing; before you buy the commercial restaurant faucet check the water pressure in your facility; depending on the model, commercial restaurant faucet with sprayer includes such replaceable components: handle kit, dome, cartridge, cartridge nut and set screw, upper bearing kit, spout O-ring kit, spout assembly, aerator, escutcheon kit, support plate with gasket, mounting hardware, side spray, spray escutcheon and locknut assembly, set screws, plug buttons, cartridge nuts, diverters, hose, and adapter; on a new property the installation process takes an hour, while on an older facility it could take a day; you need to read the installation manual to avoid the mistakes. Mistakes during the installation will cause a faucet leak. Check if the washer wasn’t installed correctly, was left loose or wasn’t the correct size. Dripping can be also a result of loose or worn out O-ring. It is the part that holds the faucet handles in place and needs to be replaced often. The plumbing issues in general create a lot of problems for the restaurant owners. Broken pipe or fittings interfere with water pressure and cause leakages. Always pay attention to the warning signs that show that you have water problems in your building. Having even a small a hidden water leak and not even knowing about it will greatly affect your kitchen productivity and can gradually cause more and more damage. To avoid big repair expenses experts recommend cleaning the sewer line every few years for commercial buildings and a plumbing inspection every 3 to 4 years. If you are looking to improve your restaurant business – installing a new commercial restaurant faucet is the most effective measure to undertake. It also saves the water costs in the long run.