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Brizo Faucets

Select bathroom faucets at FontanaShowers. Choose from our from a wide selection of kitchen faucets and sprayers, designed to match any sink style and fit any space. A choice of stylish designs available at FontanaShowers including 60 Rotating Widespread Sink Faucet, Contemporary Faucet, Pull Out Sink Mixer Faucet, Single Handle Chrome Faucet, Brass Body Kitchen Sink Faucet, White Gold Bathroom Sink Faucet at the best price.

On Sale Bathroom Tub Faucet

Brizo Faucets

Open Channel Tub Spout

Fontana Commercial Faucets

We offer unique styles for every individual

Fontana Commercial Faucets are equipped with cutting-edge technology that prioritizes efficiency and convenience. Many models are sensor-operated, which means they activate when they sense hands beneath them. This touchless functionality not only reduces the risk of cross-contamination in high-traffic areas but also conserves water by ensuring it is only dispensed when needed. One of the standout features of Fontana Faucets is their commitment to water conservation. These faucets are engineered to deliver a controlled flow of water, reducing waste and contributing to sustainability efforts.Businesses using Fontana faucets can expect a noticeable reduction in their water bills over time, all while reducing their environmental footprint. In commercial settings, fixtures endure substantial wear and tear.Fontana Commercial Faucets are built to withstand the rigors of daily use.

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Commercial Faucets

High Quality Material Faucets

In addition to functionality, Fontana Commercial Faucets are designed with aesthetics in mind. They come in a wide range of styles, finishes, and shapes, allowing businesses to choose fixtures that seamlessly blend with their interior design. Whether a modern, minimalist look or a classic, timeless appearance is desired, Fontana offers a faucet to match every design preference. Installing Fontana Commercial Faucets is a straightforward process, and many models come with easy-to-follow instructions. Their low-maintenance design makes them a hassle-free choice for businesses. Routine cleaning and occasional inspections are typically all that's needed to keep these faucets in pristine condition.Fontana understands that commercial spaces have unique requirements, which is why they offer customization options for their faucets. Businesses can choose features like different spray patterns, water temperature controls, and more to tailor the faucets to their specific needs.

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