Home > Brushed Nickel Commercial Touchless Bathroom Faucets

Brushed Nickel Commercial Touchless Bathroom Faucets

Imagine walking into a restroom that possesses a sense of refinement and luxury.
The brushed nickel commercial touchless faucet exudes all the qualities to give a
luxurious and clean bath. Let’s embark on a journey to embrace bathroom technology.

Brio Commercial Brushed Nickel Touchless Volume Automatic Sensor

Hands-Free Faucet

This faucet has a brushed nickel finish to distinguish your restroom from others.
The faucet has infrared sensors that enable hands-free operation by preventing
germs from transferring. Moreover, it is a good fit for all standard US plumbing.

Fontana Atlanta Commercial Brushed Nickel Deck Mount Automatic

SensorTouchless Bathroom Faucet

This easily affordable faucet is a perfect fit for a budgetary person. You can experience
luxury washing without spending much. The faucet offers touchless operation and
reduces water loss. The faucet is a deck mount type manufactured of high-quality
brass material.

Fontana Luigi Inverted V-Shaped Brushed Nickel Finish Touchless Dual
Automatic Commercial Sensor Faucet & Automatic Soap Dispenser

This faucet consists of a dual sensor faucet and water dispenser. It comes in
V-shape, executing elegance and sleekness. The faucet is commonly designed
for restrooms, restaurants, and hospitals. For a better user experience, the faucet
has an AI chip to control its functions automatically.