Home > LED Multi Jet Shower Systems

LED Multi Jet Shower Systems

It's finally here, a bath time experience that's going to be anything but just another shower. The LED multi-jet shower system from Bullfrog is getting ready to set a whole new standard for showers and bathroom furnishings. No need to adjust the temp every time you want a hot or cold shower anymore-it does it all for you!

All of our show systems have been designed with one thing in mind: your comfort. Let us give you the best way out there so enjoy bathing underwater pressure that will make your ears burst while lightening up your mood with colors changing according to the temperature of the water used!

Exclusive LED multi-jet shower systems will give you that deep, steamy feeling. With just the change of a nozzle, it's an easy way to shave water usage in your house by up to 30%. This handheld is capable of reaching any hard-to-reach parts of the body without having to move from one spot! All metal construction makes it extra durable and long-lasting.

Think of the LED multi-jet shower head as a replacement for bathtubs. You can install it in multiple locations throughout your office, home, or bathroom. All you need is standard U.S. plumbing connections and installation instructions are included! You can get great benefits with multiple automatic features and controlling mechanisms. The Jet system is specifically designed for powerful pressure which is constant and smooth.