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Luxury Musical Shower System

Fontana Florence Touch Panel Musical LED Shower System

Imagine making your shower time more than just washing up. Think about a luxury musical shower system. It's a mix of cool design and high-tech features that bring comfort and fun to your bathroom. This system lets you enjoy the calming water and relaxing music simultaneously. It's not just about cleaning your body; it's also about feeling good. This special shower system changes everything. It has a touch panel, so you can control your shower with a tap. The built-in LED lights make your shower glow in a soft, calming light. And the music? Connect your device through Bluetooth and listen to your favorite songs while you enjoy your warm shower.

Foggia Gunmetal Gray Thermostatic Musical Shower System

Its cool gunmetal gray color adds a classy touch to any bathroom. The thermostatic feature keeps the water at a comfy temperature during your shower. And the music system lets you dive into a world of songs, making every shower a really great experience.

Vicenza Chrome LED Musical Thermostatic Shower System

The shiny chrome look of this shower makes it modern and stylish, while the LED lights create a soothing atmosphere for your shower. The thermostatic function keeps the water at the right temperature, so you always feel comfy. And the music system lets you play your favorite tunes. To wrap up, a luxury musical shower system is an experience, a special place that combines the basic function of a shower with the healing power of music.

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FontanaShowers® provide contemporary bathroom fixtures; contemporary showers, hydromassage bathtubs, LED shower head & shower systems, commercial touchless sensor faucets, and bathroom vanities combining timeless design, modern technology, and the very best quality.

FontanaShowers® full line of showers are available in many different styles, functions and finishes. Browse our exclusive line of from dual thermo shower sets, or our multifunction thermostatic LED body massage shower systems to nickel brushed rainfall and waterfall showers, smart remote digital control wifi showers.