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Luxury Smart Shower System

Fontana St. Gallen Remote Controlled Luxury Smart Shower System

Imagine having a shower that knows just how you like your water - the right warmth and the right flow. That's what a luxury smart shower system does. It's not just a shower; it's a way to make your shower time special. This fancy shower system is very easy to use. With a remote control, you can change the water heat and flow without even touching the shower. Plus, its sleek design will make your bathroom look modern and stylish. This system makes your shower time a relaxing break just for you.

Fontana Dax Phone Controlled Luxury Smart LED Shower System

Ready for a shower that feels extra special? This advanced shower system lets you use your phone to set your shower just how you like it - from the water heat to the calming LED lights. The lights make your shower feel calm and soothing. This system brings together luxury and technology for a shower like no other.

Fontana Verona Ceiling Mount Matte Black Luxury Smart Shower System

This luxury smart shower system is all about style and usefulness. The shower head on the ceiling gives you a rain-like shower, making you feel refreshed. The matte black finish makes it look modern and classy. Its smart features let you set your shower just how you like it, making each shower a treat. In short, the luxury smart shower system changes everything. It turns a simple shower into a special, personalized experience.

Who Are


FontanaShowers® provide contemporary bathroom fixtures; contemporary showers, hydromassage bathtubs, LED shower head & shower systems, commercial touchless sensor faucets, and bathroom vanities combining timeless design, modern technology, and the very best quality.

FontanaShowers® full line of showers are available in many different styles, functions and finishes. Browse our exclusive line of from dual thermo shower sets, or our multifunction thermostatic LED body massage shower systems to nickel brushed rainfall and waterfall showers, smart remote digital control wifi showers.