Home > Oil Rubbed Bronze Shower Set

Oil Rubbed Bronze Shower Set

Ready for a luxurious shower experience? The oil rubbed bronze shower set will make you feel like royalty. This stately package includes everything you need to build your perfect shower, including a high-quality valve trim and matching hand shower with pause control. Add in the easy installation and outstanding pressure balance features, and this system is made to be both beautiful and functional. No matter what deal we’ve got going on today, it won't even compare after giving your bathroom this premium upgrade!

What better place to wash off the day than in the shower. Where you can relax and let your troubles bot water down on you. You deserve some time for yourself, so get ready with our Oil Rubbed Bronze Shower Set that allows you to enjoy carefree days no matter how much of a mess they've made. The simulated oil-rubbed bronze finish is easy on the eyes while also being corrosion resistant against tough water deposits like calcium and lime buildup. And with this set, the installation will be effortless too!

Don't worry about conserving water with this shower set because the two spray settings will provide ample coverage. This way, you can just relax and focus on your shower tasks without worrying about low water pressure or dry skin! Choose between a pause setting that gives you room for one-on-one shaving, lathering, and other bathing activities, then easily restarts the water at the temperature of your choice. A saving mode allows you to cut down on your hot water usage so you can save money without sacrificing performance. Take control of the perfect self-care escape with this oil rubbed bronze shower set!