Home > BIM File Oil Rubbed Bronze Touchless Bathroom Faucet

BIM File Oil Rubbed Bronze Touchless Bathroom Faucet

ORB BIM Files provide a range of benefits to the construction industry, including improved accuracy, efficiency, and collaboration in the design and construction process. They also assist building owners and facility managers in maintaining and operating their buildings effectively. As the use of BIM continues to grow, the importance of accurate and detailed BIM

Automatic Soap Dispensers

Healthcare facilities have seen a prevalence of touchless faucets and automatic soap dispensers. Numerous hospitals have been incorporating these fixtures to uphold hygiene protocols.

Innovative High Tech

We provide comprehensive solutions for latest touchless operation as traditional handle faucets can harbor germs, whereas touch-free operation in restrooms helps prevent the spread of germs.

Unique Designs

The hospitality industry, as well as public and high traffic restrooms are experiencing a surge in demand for touchless faucets and automatic soap dispensers, driven by the growing need for hygiene and sanitation solutions.

Files like ORB will only increase. ORB BIM Files also provide a range of benefits to building owners and facility managers. Firstly, they enable accurate and efficient maintenance and repairs of the product, as the BIM model can be used to identify the location and specifications of the product in the building. This information helps to ensure that the correct replacement parts are used, reducing the risk of incorrect repairs and maintenance. One of the popular BIM Files is Oil Rubbed Bronze (ORB), which is a metal finish used in the construction industry. ORB is created through a process of chemically treating the bronze to achieve a dark, almost black, finish. It is commonly used for door hardware, plumbing fixtures, lighting fixtures, and other decorative elements in commercial and residential buildings. ORB BIM Files also provide a range of benefits to building owners and facility managers. Firstly, they enable accurate and efficient maintenance and repairs of the product, as the BIM model can be used to identify the location and specifications of the product in the building. This information helps to ensure that the correct replacement parts are used, reducing the risk of incorrect repairs and maintenance.